Sunday, February 3, 2019

Reply to Randall Armstrong (Semore Owl creator)

Hi Mr. Armstrong,

Sorry for the late reply. So you are the creator of the "Semore Owl" ?

Can you tell us the story (me and the readers) on how Semore was created ? Or any insight about the Memorex VIS MD-2500 ? Many would like to know more about this obscure game system. Also do you have a Dev kit ? So many things we wanna know!

Hopefully you will read this post and tell some tids & bits! Thanks again and take care!

--- Sly DC ---


  1. Hello :)
    The meaning of the Japanese sticker is ...“Please use the game console after displaying the TV screen.”However, even in Japanese, the meaning is ambiguous and difficult to understand.

  2. Hi there, thanks for the translation. I think the meaning is: "Please use the game console after it is displayed on the TV screen" (once you put a 100 Yen coin), which sound less ambiguous. :)
