Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Tandy/Memorex VIS MD-2500 - M.A.M.E. style!

Yep, the VIS is finally emulated in MAME 0.180 and the driver was made by "Carl". OK it's not 100% emulated but at last it's already has a good start as i tried 2-3 ISOs with it and they all worked, even my hack called "VISguard" works nicelly.

And here's a screenshot of the VIS booting screen:

Cool to see this game system finally emulated after some years! Two thumbs up for Carl and everybody who works on all these drivers for MAME! =)

And just in time too as i sold my Tandy VIS to a fellow Canadian collector 2 weeks ago. Oh and i will upload the "VISguard" hack soon if anyone wants to try it out.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Dennys Marques Ferreira posted this message on November 20, 2016:

Ok já enviei seu email para ele espero ansioso pelo primeiro emulador de Telstar Combat!

(In English:  Ok I already sent your email to him I look forward to the first Telstar Combat emulator!)

My reply/Minha resposta: Muito obrigado Dennis, mas tem sido cerca de 3 semanas agora e ainda eu não recebi nenhum e-mail de James, talvez ele está muito ocupado.

English: Thanks very much Dennis but it's been about 3 weeks now and still i did not received any email from James, maybe he is very busy. 

EOF (for today) ;)

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