Pretty cool looking right ? But it was canceled before it was going to be officially released..sigh!
But a Japanese company decided to released this game console, it was the TV-Jack 2500 by Bandai. Actually the full name is: Bandai Video Mate TV-Jack 2500:
This game console plays 20 variations of "Space War" in which is divided into four game-types: Space War, Phantom War, Space Phasor and Phantom Phasor and by five ranks (levels): Junior, Cadet, Lieutenant, Captain and Ace.
It's very easy to play it, it's like the arcade game "Gun Fight" by Midway but with spaceships and barriers instead of cowboys and cactus/wagon. Here's a video i recently made:
** WARNING! Decrease your sound before playing the video since the sound was recorded amplified...i goofed! **
And if you don't understand the Japanese writing on the console, fear not! Here's the translation for
non-Japanese readers:
And here's a few pictures on my 48-inch screen (damn these are big pixels!):
So that's it for today but i'll be back with more about the Bandai TV-Jack 2500 very soon! =)
--- Sly DC ---
Thank you for posting about these old consoles. Without people like you their history would slowly be forgotten and I really appreciate you taking the time to post this great information.