Thursday, October 8, 2015

Bandai TV-Jack 2500 / バンダイ TV-Jack (テレビジャック) 2500

This is one game console that i still don't know why the freaking hell it never came out in North America, but with the Fairchild Channel F, RCA Studio II and the Atari 2600 that was already on the markett (in 1977), i can understand at some degree for this game that Texas Instruments created (with the help of a handful of TTL chips of course) was considered "obsolete" on the actual market (again in 1977), but damn!... that could have been fun to had especially that APF was going to release it as the APF TV-Fun model 500 (see the picture below):

Pretty cool looking right ?  But it was canceled before it was going to be officially released..sigh!

But a Japanese company decided to released this game console, it was the TV-Jack 2500 by Bandai. Actually the full name is: Bandai Video Mate TV-Jack 2500:

This game console plays 20 variations of "Space War" in which is divided into four game-types: Space War, Phantom War, Space Phasor and Phantom Phasor and by five ranks (levels): Junior, Cadet, Lieutenant, Captain and Ace.

It's very easy to play it, it's like the arcade game "Gun Fight" by Midway but with spaceships and barriers instead of cowboys and cactus/wagon. Here's a video i recently made:


** WARNING! Decrease your sound before playing the video since the sound was recorded amplified...i goofed! **

And if you don't understand the Japanese writing on the console, fear not! Here's the translation for
non-Japanese readers:

And here's a few pictures on my 48-inch screen (damn these are big pixels!):

So that's it for today but i'll be back with more about the Bandai TV-Jack 2500 very soon! =)

--- Sly DC ---

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting about these old consoles. Without people like you their history would slowly be forgotten and I really appreciate you taking the time to post this great information.
