Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Epoch Electrotennis Simulator

Since i already posted the Epoch Electrotennis simulator V0.2 (V0.1 was never released) on my OdySim blog (see links on the right), i am reposting here since it is the first Discrete Console i have done for the LĂ–VEMESS project.

But before, here's the recap of the post:

Does anyone knows the Epoch Electrotennis (also AKA as Electronic Tennis) ? Well in case some of you are wondering what it is, here's a picture of the console:

There is also a clone of this console, the "Video Game Tennis" which was an exclusive Japanese store release (err...i don't remember which one...). Anyhow, those two game consoles were based on the Magnavox Odyssey technology and it was the very first "Japanese-made" (not the first video game console to be released in Japan, that honor goes to....Odyssey! and by...Nintendo! NO JOKE!). Now that would be logical since Nintendo did make the Rifle Guns for Magnavox, but that's another story (for that story, check my OdySim blog).

To download the Epoch Elctrotennis Simulator, just click in the links (on the top-right of this blog)
and after it's downloaded, extract the files where you want it. Be warned that this simulator is for any 32-bit Windows, if anyone wants a 64-bit Windows version please let me know and i'll see what i can do. 

Oh and here's a question to any "die-hard" game collector: This game console has the exact gameplay of a game console released in the United States but also in U.K., in Europe (brandless) and in Korea by Hanu Electronics (all these are clones of the Epoch Electrotennis BTW). (Yup, i did my homework...LOL!). So download the Epoch Electrotennis simulator and have fun! =)

Here's a few screenshot of the Epoch Electrotennis simulator:

--- Sly DC ---


  1. I would love to download this but the links aren't working

  2. Hi Derek,

    I've emailed you to let you know that i have uploaded the Epoch Electrotennis Simulator on Thanks! :)
