First, it is really the Soundic Soundvision SD-200 that is the "parent" and all the others are clones. Yes, the Hanimex HMG-7900 is in fact a clone but it is the most popular known compared to the Soundic Soundvision SD-200. There is three types of models: the SD-200, the SD-270 and the SD-290 but all have the same main chip: a NEC uPD779C-300. The D779C is very similar to the chips inside the ECV cartridges but there is a major difference, the D779C is programmable compared to the D774C, D777C and D778C.
The D779C has the game "Chaser" programmed inside it but can be switched-off and be replaced by an external PROM/ROM. Before i go into technical details, here's the list of all the clones:
Company & Name of game system // Released // Year
* Soundic Soundvision SD-200 // Europe // 1983
* Eltron Programmable Color Video Game SD-200 // Hungary // 1984
* Hanimex HMG-7900 (SD-200) // France // 1983
* ITMC Programmable Color Video Game SD-290 // France // 1983
* JouéClub Programmable Color Video Game SD-290 // France // 1983
* Ormatu Video Spelcomputer 1001 (SD-290) // Netherlands // 1983
* Rollet Videocolor SD-270 // France // 1983
* Soundic Programmable Color Video Game SD-290 // Europe // 1983
* Zodiac (??) (SD-200) // Finland // 1983
The last one " Zodiac" is mentioned on the web site "NES-Retromaailma" ( but there is no full name or picture(s) of the game system.
As for the games, there is 9, not 10 that were officially released. Game manuals have been found it four different languages so here's the list i have so far: (Note: Model can be either SD-20x or PC-20x)
Model // English // French // Italian // Hungarian
* SD-201 // Chaser // Gobeur // L'Inseguimento // Labirintus
* SD-202 // Space Smash // Meteorites // Space Smash // ???
* SD-203 // Saucer Attack // Envahisseurs // ??? // Urtamadas
* SD-204 // Raging Turtle // Course à la Tortue // ??? // ???
* SD-205 // Breakaway // Mur de Briques // ??? // ???
* SD-206 // Martian // Martian // Marziani // ???
* SD-207 // Outworlder // La Rivière Sauvage // ??? // ???
* SD-208 // Expedition // Trésor du Pharaon // ??? // Expedicio
* SD-210 // Space Scout // Les Aventuriers de L'Espace // ??? // Orjarat Az Urben
Unreleased Games (known so far):
* SD-209 // Fire Attack // Le Chevalier du Feu (1-player game)
* SD-2?? // Ice Skating (1or2-players game)
* SD-2?? // Road Race (1or2-players game)
* SD-2?? // Ski (1or2-players game)
* SD-2?? // Soccer (1or2-players game)
* SD-2?? // Tennis (1or2-players game)
Credits goes to Olivier Boisseau (of that he was the first one to notice that the Hanimex HMG-7900 and the Epoch Cassette Vision looked very similar graphically. Check out his report HERE.
Here's a blown-up and rendered screenshot of the "SD-209: Fire Attack"
This a Donkey Kong-type game clone.
And if you want to see some videos, go check HERE
I don't have the game system manual in English, only in French but at least, i have the "Chaser" game manual in plain English:
And here's a few cartridge scans:
Up in the next post, technical details and pictures of some cartridges and game systems. :)
--- Sly DC ---